Sometimes I feel there’s a bit of a lull in Christmas organising in March.
In January I’m still ‘in the zone’ and there’s obvious jobs to be done like tidying and storing things away after the festive season.
By the end of February I’ve usually reviewed how last Christmas went, updated my Christmas card list and filled in the first few pages of my planner.
If you stay motivated and make some Christmas planning progress, it will really stand you in good stead later in the year – and you’ll be able to enjoy the festive period so much more.
But what Christmas tasks can you do in March?
Do some catching up
If you haven’t had a chance to review last Christmas, set a budget and update your Christmas card list yet, then I recommend getting these jobs done in March.
Reflect on last Christmas – is there anything you’d like to change or improve upon?
The cost of living has increased, so will you need to spend less next Christmas?
If you think about it now and stick to your budget, you’re much less likely to overspend.
Do some sorting and tidying
Sort through your Christmas decorations, getting rid of any broken ones or those you don’t like anymore.
Make a note of anything new you need to buy for next year, and store everything safely.
Does everything you and your family received for Christmas have a place yet?
If not, find one – and sort through any ‘dumping grounds’ in your house such as the ‘spare room’ or drawers and cupboards.
Find new homes for anything you no longer want or need.
Create a Christmas bucket list
What do you really want to do next Christmas?
Think about what would make you genuinely happy this Christmas and plan any trips, activities and traditions accordingly.
Make a plan now, ensuring you’ll have both the time and money for everything you want to do – and vow to make it happen!
Review your Christmas entertainment
Does your stock of board games or Christmas music and films need a refresh?
Now’s a great time to pinpoint any new items you need to buy so you can keep an eye out for when they’re on sale.
If you need some ideas, check out my post on the top 10 games to play at Christmas!
Talk to family and friends about your Christmas plans
If you’d like to make changes to how and where you spend Christmas this year, it’s a good idea to talk to everyone who might be affected as soon as you can.
This gives them time to get used to the idea, and also make their own alternative plans.
Calm communication with everyone involved is key – my blog post on spending Christmas the way you really want to includes lots more tips on how to help discussions go more smoothly.
Start a present list
Start a present list, so you know who you’re buying for.
That way, if you have an idea for something they might like, you can make a note of it – and buy things throughout the year.
This will save you time in December and help spread the cost of Christmas.
Stock up on craft materials
If you’re making any gifts or Christmas cards by hand, you can plan exactly what you’re going to make – and decide what materials you’re going to need.
You could even buy some of the materials now, and, while the weather’s still a bit cold and wet, maybe enjoy some creative craft time making some of your DIY presents.
Research and test recipes
Whether you like trying something new, you’re hosting for the first time or a dish didn’t quite hit the mark last year, now’s a great time to spend some time scouring recipe books, social media and websites for new Christmas recipe ideas.
Figure out a way to keep the recipes safe for when you need them, whether that means copying them into a notebook, saving them on a Pinterest board or printing them out and filing them away.
It’s always a good idea to try out new recipes before the big day, so you’ve also got loads of time between now and December to give them a go!
I hope I’ve given you some ideas and inspiration for some Christmas organising you can get done in March.
It’ll be so worth making the extra effort once December arrives!